Data-led EV charger deployment: Mapping grid upgrades and optimal locations for installations

Time: 12:35 pm - 1:00 pm

Date: 2024-10-01

Theatre: Room Two


This interactive workshop aims to equip businesses and local authorities with the knowledge and tools necessary to identify strategic locations for EV charger deployment, considering the current capacity and potential need for grid upgrades.

  • Exploring the Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator (LENZA) tool, designed to aid local authorities in planning the rollout of EV charging infrastructure by analysing local grid constraints and potential.
  • How to utilize mapping software and data analytics to pinpoint optimal locations for EV chargers, considering factors like proximity to street lighting columns, car parks, and other strategic locations.
  • Strategies for planning EV charger deployment that accommodates future EV adoption growth, ensuring the infrastructure remains robust and scalable.

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